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Writer's picturerhealeeshawnaak2

Ocean Clean Up Project

Yesterday I was able to find an incredible story about our ocean. Scanning social media I see the comment about our oceans and how filthy they are. People seem to be upset about how we are spending hundreds, thousands, millions, and trillions of dollars with other projects across the world that don't pertain to cleaning up our plastic infested waters. Well here is the story you all should want to hear!

Our Ocean Clean Up System

I stumbled upon this yesterday, we currently have an ocean clean up plan that has been going on since 2013 with a 16 year old boy in Greece. While he was scuba diving he noticed a large amount of plastic in the water, there was more plastic than fish!

In 2014, Scientists decided that it's completely feasible to remove a large portion of the ocean's plastic. They came up with the idea to use a drifting system, that will drift along the top of the ocean gathering all the plastic in it's path. They began a fundraising campaign to help fun their project to get cleaner oceans. They ended up having 38,000 funders from all over the world and raised 2 million dollars within 100 days! This campaign was marked “the most successful non-profit crowdfunding campaign in history”.

These are the different Garbage patches we currently have around the world

In 2015, they began doing research on how much plastic is actually in our oceans. They started by measuring all the giant garbage patches within our oceans to see the true size and what they will be dealing with. They sent out 30 different vessels to help map the Great Pacific Garbage Patch that is between California and Hawaii, they found that it is 3.5 million square kilometers, that's a lot of trash! After they have gotten their measurements they then began testing for a model that can be placed in the ocean. They tried a couple different models and none seemed to be what they were hoping for.

In 2016, they released their first prototype! On June 22nd, they released their 100 meter long barrier off the coast of the Netherlands. However, the barrier came back with quite a few bumps and bruises. But these hiccups allowed them to further understand the type of technology they will really need. After they released this prototype they then began an aerial mapping in the fall. During this mapping they found that the Great Pacific Garbage patch contain nearly 80 million kilograms of garbage and 1.8 trillion pieces of that is considered to be micro plastics.

Example of the plastic contents found in the ocean

In 2017, they continued testing different models. They tested and failed, and test and failed. Again and again.

In 2018, after 273 tested models they launched the world's first ocean clean up starting with the Great Pacific Garbage Patch on September 8th which they called System 001. After about 4 months of research and clean up, the model fractured and a large section ended up coming apart forcing them to head back into shore.

Demontration of System 001/B

In 2019, they sent out another model which they called System 001/B on June 18th. In this model they thought about the fact that the model needs to be able to retain the plastic that it ends up gathering. In this new model they added buoys to make the model go faster in the water. They also included a parachute anchor out the bottom of it to keep it at a slower pace to keep the trash contained. This model is 600 meters long and also contains a 3 meter deep skirt that hangs below the barrier and collects the trash that has fallen deeper in the water.

Visual representation of the skirt

As System 001/B flows through the water collecting garbage it's location is constantly being monitored to make sure they always know where it is. When it is full it sends out a signal and alerts the teams back on their base. A boat is sent out to collect all the garbage that is being held by the system. It is then brought back to land were it is all recycled and made into new items.

Skirt creates a flow through the water pushing fish below it

So far scientists believe that if they keep up the clean up with the rate they are going to clean up 50% of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch in 5 years. They are reaching for the goal of having plastic free ocean by 2050!

Graph of their Progress they are hoping for

In 2020, they will be releasing a System 002 out towards the Great Pacific Garbage Patch also which will then add up to a total of 60 vessels that will be attacking that garbage patch at all different angles!

I personally feel this may be the best story I'll read about this year. Our oceans have been being destroyed by all the plastic going into the oceans for years. It has majorly effected our marine life and has destroyed our coral and beaches across the world. This project gives me hope that they will be able to greatly decrease the amount of plastic in the oceans and give marine life a better chance at survival.

I hope this story touched all of you as much as it did me! If any of you are interested in more information about this project or would like to follow the progress I gathered all my information from the Ocean Cleanup website. They post progress reports on their to keep you updated on their work and they also have a place to donate if you are interested in helping the cause!

The link to their website:

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